Wednesday, January 13, 2010

22 months

I need to post Audrey's new word list, so here I am. I will try to post some pics this weekend. I'd do it now but I'm more interested in sleep. Audrey has also said two more sentences this week, Take this off and I'll tickle you. Newest vocabulary: snow, toast, cow, duck, kiss, reindeer, zipper, read, pizza, sorry, fire, cow, Santa, pear, ties, eat, stop, chair, thank you, okay, purse, purple, black, white, broke, hair, ears, green, Audrey, train, CD, Fraggle, Shrek, wall, stairs, mess, picture, bear, orange, circle, hands, sticker, straw, fries, giraffe, Butters, Nollie, cup, brown, corn, berries, bird, dog, race and arm! She can jump up and down quite well and recognizes about half of her letters and a few numbers but for some reason she always knows the number 6.

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