Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 4

My goofy girl
My sweet boy
Christopher is starting to enjoy bath time now.
Can't you tell?
We had a busy week! One month doctor's visit and one month pictures. They should be here next week! Christopher is smiling a lot now, even to his sister and grandparents. He started sleeping 4-5 hours at night, which is very exciting!

Big Girl, Big Bed

Audrey still loves her rocking horse Papa made for her first birthday.
Audrey has been sleeping in her new pink room and new big girl bed.
So far we've only had one incident of falling out of bed. And she stays in her bed at naps and bedtime. It was a pretty painless transition for all of us.

Monday, August 23, 2010

One Month Check-Up... Already?

Christopher's check-up went well. He's up to 8 pounds and 6 ounces and 21.5 inches. Growing boy! Next month is shots. :( And Audrey has to get her flu shot. It probably won't be a good day...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Family Picnic at the Park

This is Audrey's new "pose" face. Goofy girl!
It's finally nice enough to eat outside. Steve made our picnic food.
Then we played at the park.
And the rose garden.
Christopher slept in the baby carrier the whole time.
Audrey keeps getting braver on the playground equipment.

It's so nice to get outside and have family time. We are so blessed!

Tummy Time

Bright-eyed and ready to hold his head up!
Life is rough.
Hey little man!
I'm slipping!
How cute is he?!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 3

I have been going to a breastfeeding support group every Tuesday at the hospital. I have really enjoyed going. I seem to be the breastfeeding guru because I am the only one there with 2 kids, everyone else is on their first. Right now the babies range in age from one week to eight weeks. The lactation nurse helps everyone with the physical and clinical aspects and I get a lot of questions about the practical parts like going back to work and pumping at home. One of the perks is weighing your infant every week. Christopher is plumping up! He gained 1/2 a pound in one week! He is up to 7 pounds 12 ounces. I won't be going next week because Christopher is going to his one month check-up on Monday and will be weighed there. I am curious to see how long he is now too!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I finally got Audrey to sit still long enough to take a couple of pics with her brother. Granted, she didn't sit still very long so they aren't the best. Here she is showing off her busted lip from Parents Day Out.
Christopher watching his sister's every move.
Even though smiling doesn't usually occur until 4 or 5 weeks, Chris is certainly trying!
I may never get another photo with both kids looking at the camera for a long time!
Awww, hugs!
Just being cute!
Christopher has gained his birth weight back and then some. He's up to 7 lbs and 4 oz, gaining 5 ounces in just one week!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week Two

Happy boy with his Grandma.
Chillin' with Papa
I think we have a picture of all the grandkids "riding" Papa's cat Mac.
Napping with Kristi.
We've had a better week with sleeping. For the first week Christopher liked to wake up hourly for feedings, especially in the night. This week we seem to be in a 3 hour pattern and I am liking that. I have a lot more energy and can function. However, his "awake" time is after the 4 a.m. feeding. It makes for a long day until nap time but he's so cute and precious I can't complain.

Deanna Rose with Aunt KK

Kristi came to visit Christopher and while she was here we went to Deanna Rose. She was impressed.
Christopher was an angel and slept the whole time.
Audrey and Kristi shared a popsicle.
Audrey, the Goat Whisperer

Kristi was a tremendous help with Audrey. And Audrey just adores her Aunt KK.
She kept Audrey entertained while she was here and I was able to rest and be with my little man.
Petting a cow.

First Bath!

Christopher's umbilical stump and circumcision ring fell off earlier in the week so it was time for his first bath.
So far, so good.
Wait a minute...
This is not as cool as I thought it would be, Mom.
Bright eyed!
How tiny, he can fit in the sink just like his sister when she was his age.
Ok, I'm done!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our First Week

Christopher at one week.
And Audrey at one week. Any resemblance?
Daddy's new life with two!
Our handsome little man.
Curiosity got the best of Nollie. I don't think Butters even knows we have a new baby! :)
Great grand baby #7 for Pa and Granny Jo

Proud Papa!
I'm sorry that I didn't have any birth pics to post. They're all on my mom's camera since I was a little busy at the time!