Sunday, September 25, 2011

Deanna Rose Farmstead Yet Again

 Deanna Rose will be closing in October so we are trying to get in as many outings as possible. This time we took our friend Stephanie; it was her first visit.

 My budding pre-schooler.

 Yeeha, cowgirl!
 The worker let the kids feed the baby goats their morning hay.
 The kids AND the goats were super excited!
 Then Stephanie and Audrey took turns feeding the baby goats a milk bottle.
 Did I mention my kids like to feed animals?
 Christopher got into the feeding so much he even gave the fish his pacifier! Oops!
 Playing checkers at the general store.

 Gobble gobble
 Oink oink

I'm hoping we can make it out here at least one more time.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Zoey's Birthday Party

 Christopher was quite interested in the sodas.
 Audrey got bored so she and Daddy went for a walk.
 Zoey made quite a haul!
 Erin joined the walk around the park.

 Christopher enjoyed hanging with Papa.
 And Audrey loves Erin!
 And everyone loves KK!
 Christopher loves cupcakes!
 After the party we played at the park.
 Audrey mostly played a game on KK's phone.
 Then it was time to go with a balloon!
 Someone lost theirs though.
Random pic with Grandma.

Christopher at 13 months

 Christopher is starting to be a little more verbal and we're getting glimpses of his budding personality.
 Anything his sister does is hilarious.
 He scowls when he doesn't get his way or when you tell him no.
 Audrey is our same crazy girl.
 He doesn't run yet but he can walk really fast!
 He loves slides.

 And still loves swings. He can say go, down, and hi.

The Zoo 2011

 Due to technical difficulties, mostly on my part, these are a little out of order and in 2 different posts. Sorry.
 I took this from the ski lift on our way to Africa.
 Christopher had no fear feeding the deer.

 Neither did Audrey.
 Once again the polar bear did not disappoint us.

 We need to go every year!