Friday, July 27, 2012

Christopher's 2 yr check-up and new words

Christopher had a good checkup. As usual he was a mama's boy and didn't want anyone to touch him. And he was lucky today, no shots! He is 26.4 pounds (30%) and 35 inches (70%). His sister is still taller than him! Oh well, we'll see how it plays out over the years...

Since getting tubes in his ears 3 weeks ago and starting speech therapy, Christopher has added the words car, thank you, welcome, more, milk, book, stuck and 'der' for dog. His speech is more animated and he is trying to say the letters of the alphabet and count in his own little language. He is ahead for his age in gross and fine motor skills. He can pull apart and put together regular legos as well as duplos. He can jump, run, climb and balance on just about anything he wants. He loves to scribble and paint and stamp. He still prefers my company but loves to give hugs to Grandma, Audrey and Daddy.

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