Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3 1/2 months

Is this a happy boy or what?
My handsome boys.
Christopher tried a grape today.
He loved it. I thought he might make a face of dislike, but no, he kept gnawing on it. Apparently he likes food, any food.
This Audrey and her beloved shovel. She sometimes goes digging for "treasure and clues" and sometimes it's a pogo stick and she boings all over the house. Her imagination cracks me up. Other things that crack us up: Her new phrases. "It sure is!", "Oh well", and "I have an idea!"
Christopher is starting to actually play with toys now, instead of just laying there.
He can actually entertain himself for a few minutes.
He loves this monkey.
Even though he's not turning over consistently, he can hold himself up sitting for a few seconds. He's really close to turning from back to tummy as well.
And there he goes...
and again...
How cute.
I wanted to take this picture because they were all wearing brown that day. And they all looked at the camera!

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