Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall Outings

Our outing days are numbered. I'm going back to work in 10 days and the weather is getting cooler. I took the kids to the park and Christopher was actually happy in his carseat. He's usually pretty fussy.
Audrey and her sticks,

and pine cones.

A "giant stick" according to Audrey.
Christopher just chilled.
This is how Audrey prefers to swing.
I think her tummy gets woozy when she swings upright.
And she loves the flowers. I try to stop her from taking off the petals but I don't always get there in time.
She said she was getting tired so we left after the brief break on the bench.
Then I treated Audrey to her very own ice cream cone.
Christopher was excited about it too!
She only ate a few bites/licks and then gave up. I got to eat the rest. :)
She was more impressed and interested in my Dr. Pepper.

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