Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fun and Games at Bedtime

After bath time Audrey prefers to run around naked. I can barely get a diaper on her! Maybe she knows it's almost bedtime. Who knows!
Then she plays a fun game (to her) of running from Mommy with her pj's so I can't put them on. Crinkle nose!

She's been hanging her tongue out a lot lately. I thought she was getting more teeth but I guess not.

You can't see me!

Audrey's hair is still pretty thin and fine. But after a bath she has the hint of a few curls.

A rare photo of her smiling big enough to see all 6 teeth. Steve was able to catch this one!

Once again, trying to get the camera with her tongue sticking out. Look how blue her eyes are though!

1 comment:

amp said...

she looks like she's reading a newspaper in that first one. a future journalist perhaps??? give that girl a reporter's notebook and a shot of whiskey!