Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Randomness and Kiddo Update

At 3 1/2 Audrey can now rhyme. Some of her words are made up but she certainly has the concept down!
Christopher is more and more confident with walking. He started walking in shoes this week and took to it well. He is now a climber! Walking is not enough.

I love this goofy pic of us!

See? My little climber.

Unloading/loading the dishes is not easy with him around. :)

Caught you!

I'm very helpful.

Grandma gave Audrey this frog rain gauge. She instantly loved it and asked every day if we could check for rain. And then we had a drought.

Finally, we were able to use it. However, by the time we got out to read the gauge, it evaporated.

It's supposed to rain a lot this week so hopefully we can check it again!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

We went to the Royals game this weekend.
We did not expect to see a praying mantis. Pretty cool.

We spent a lot of time in the kids area.

Even Christopher enjoyed it.

We did have a little sibling rivalry when it came to mini-golf.

Audrey eventually gave up and shared with her brother.

It was a lot of fun.

It was 95 degrees out so we cooled off in the gift shop. Audrey loved the Slugger "claws".

And we discovered that Christopher likes popcorn!

Even though the Royals lost it was a good time!

Monday, August 1, 2011

And We're Walking

Christopher is now a walker! He still wobbles and falls and crawls a lot but he is getting used to the new mode of getting around. Yay Christopher!