Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring is in the Air

Christopher is so dang close to crawling!
Rocking back and forth on all fours.
And he's GREAT at push-ups!
And looking cute.
And taking a rest.
Playing with his cars that Aunt Bluejeans gave him.

Spring is trying to muscle it's way in, and we're playing outside as much as possible!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Audrey's Big Birthday Bash

Grandma showing Audrey how to blow up balloons.
You're better at it Grandma.
Christopher loves birthday parties!
Audrey was a great host. She made sure everyone got a party hat to wear!
Christopher thought the party horns were a hoot.
Balloons too!
Even Granny Jo and Pa were able to join us!
Cute outfit Zoey!
Aunt KK and Bluejeans flew out for the party too.
We video taped her opening the gifts but I did get a sweet pic of her with this flower.
Happy Birthday to you!
Make a wish...
Yummy marble cake.
She had quite a blast running around with the balloons.

She made quite a haul!

I made devil's food cupcakes.And Henhouse made the Princess and the Frog themed cake.

Where have the last 3 years gone???

Friday, March 11, 2011

Audrey's 3 year old checkup

Audrey had a great well check-up at the doctor today. She weighed in at 31 pounds (75%) and a whopping 39 inches (90%)!! She gained 5 1/2 pounds and 3 1/2 inches in the past year! She had one shot at which she said "Ow, thank you, your welcome". Tomorrow is our big birthday party, we can't wait!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Toes Glorious Toes!

Audrey at 7 months playing with her toes.
And now Christopher and his feet at 7 months!
And oh so much fun!

Life and Other Important Stuff to a Three Year Old

Breakfast- 3 year old style
Who would have thought to put your cheerios in your grapefruit?
Efficient? Yes. Appetizing? Apparently only to Audrey.
Audrey asked me take various pictures. Her beloved Bunny and breakfast.

A girl needs to always be prepared!

I kinda liked how my camera took this.

A Guy and His Girl

I just love this series of photos.

Your Next American Idol- Baby Edition

The most exciting developmental change we've had at 7 months is eating more foods! He's also getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, gearing up to crawl. However, he still just scoots backwards!
It's hard to take pictures of that so there have not been too many to post.
Christopher has moved on to Number 2 baby foods and is eating more and more table food. He went through all of the Number 1 fruits and veggies without any adverse reactions and seemed to enjoy carrots and sweet potatoes the best.
So far he has liked everything I've put in front of him. He's pretty good at chewing despite having only the two bottom teeth. He likes rice, noodles, cheerios, grapes, grapefruit and bread. And of course, momma's milk. :)