Our amazon girl continues to grow like a weed! Audrey is now 33 inches (85%) and 23 pounds (30%). The doctor said to not be surprised if she hits just shy of the 3 foot mark at age 2. Not sure I'm ready for that! She seems to be doing everything a typical 18 month old should be doing with the exception of mastering the spoon. And now we have something to work towards. Shots were a bit rough today and we have to go back next month for the second flu shot. No more check-ups until March. New words in the last month include: woof, neigh, roar (tiger or lion), baby, table, Papa, apple, cookie, bee, keys, yuck, hi, yes and my favorites, pee-pee and poo-poo. She has her own word for diaper but I can't pronounce it at all. And for some reason when Audrey really really wants something, she points to it and frantically says gigglegigglegiggle! I don't think we're quite ready for potty training yet but she is showing signs of interest. She loves putting toilet paper in the potty and squeals when the toilet flushes. So we'll see. Spoon first, then potty.