Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7 Month Portraits

Halloween Fun

Sunday was Countryside Christian Church's 3rd annual Trunk or Treat event. It was cold and windy but we had a lot of fun! Audrey made quite a haul. And since she only has the two teeth, I guess Steve and I will have to eat it for her! :) Steve placed 4th in the chili contest and received the Numero Uno Bistro Award.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Normal Life at the Abbotts

Here are the pumpkins we got at the pumpkin patch last weekend. I think we are going to paint them. I can't believe Halloween is almost here! Audrey is going to be a lion, thanks to her cousin Jackson.
Rather than work on her upper body strength by crawling, Audrey prefers to stand (with support of course!) and bounce up and down. Her legs are really strong! She can stand up against a piece of furniture and play for several minutes without me holding her. She just needs to crawl around some more so her arms will get strong enough to pull herself up on her own. :)

What a ham!
Getting up close and personal with the camera.
I think she looks a lot like Steve in the first close-up and me in the second one!
Now she's crawling!
Stay tuned... we're contemplating moving to a bigger house. We'll see if it's even feasible in this market. I like that we have the luxury of wanting to move and not needing to. So we'll just see what the realtor and the bank have to say in the next week or so...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Words!

Audrey started saying Da-Da this week! Right now everything is called da-da, the cat, the phone, and of course, Steve.

What's for Dinner?

Steve thought it was silly but Audrey really didn't mind being in the pot. I thought it was cute. :)

She has to learn about cooking and baking early if she's going to be in this family!
This is on our way to Lawrence last weekend. I didn't take my camera with me to the pumpkin patch but I'll try to get some pics from my mom's camera to post...
Things on the floor aren't enough anymore. We're in trouble! :)

Rub-a-Dub-Dub First Time in the Tub

It won't let me rotate these so I apologize for the crick in your neck! Audrey did not particularly enjoy her first big tub bath experience. I think she was concentrating too hard on sitting. Oh well, we'll keep trying and I'm sure she'll begin to have fun again like she did in the infant tub!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Now that Audrey is crawling, she has really taken an interest in the cats.
Butters bears the brunt of Audrey's curiosity, mostly because she's so fat and just lays there.
Tails are fun to chew on!

Even Nollie got in on the action!
Audrey sits up nicely now. She still prefers to roll and army crawl everywhere though.
I'm so happy!