Tuesday, September 30, 2008

She's Got Skills

Steve is already teaching Audrey how to play the drums!
One of the best inventions in baby food ever! Gerber Graduates finger food puffs!
Audrey loves stuffing them in her mouth.
Sometimes she loses track of them and they fall on the floor, in the chair, get stuck to her arms! :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

6 months is a busy time!

It has been a busy month for us! Audrey is doing all kinds of new things. Crawling one step ahead, army crawling a few steps to get to things, drinking from a straw, attempting to self-feed, cutting two teeth. Whew! Here are a few pictures of her latest accomplishments, plus some fun ones because she's just a cutie patootie! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

6 Month Check-Up

Audrey is very interested in her sippee cup. It's so much fun to watch her learn and discover!

Audrey had a great check-up yesterday, even took her shots well! She's only in the 10th percentile in weight, at 13 pounds and 9 ounces. But Dr. Hostetler wasn't surprised that she has tapered off since she is so active. She is completely average in length at 25 and 3/4 inches. We go back in December for her 9 month check-up and no shots that visit!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Would You Believe... ?

I went to check out Audrey's tooth this morning only to discover another tooth! She has now cut both her bottom teeth. Good grief. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another New Milestone!

Just shy of six months old, Audrey has cut her first tooth! Which explains why she has woken up crying in the middle of the night several nights this week. For the most part she is handling it well, chewing on anything she can get her hands on. Audrey has a busy week, her 6 month potrait and her 6 month check-up with the pediatrician. Now she can show off her new tooth to Dr. Hostelter! I'll try to get a picture posted this week so everyone can see it... :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Road Trip to Omaha - Bowman Family Reunion - Labor Day Weekend

Uncle Travis discovered Audrey's strong gums!
Jason was happy to see his girl again.
Erin and Kristi were happy too!
There's always time for silliness!
Grandma and Audrey
Papa Curtis was excited by the turnout. Lots of his nieces and nephews were able to attend.
Grandma and Jackson
Steve and Zoey
Kandice and Zoey

The next day we went to the Omaha Zoo
Audrey was unimpressed.
Zoey stayed awake for some of the animals...

Oops, out of order! Anyway, Kristi and Audrey took a nap after the zoo.
Jackson was sad to say goodbye.

Audrey survived her first road trip. Thankfully it was only a 3 hour drive and she slept most of the way. In just 3 weeks time she's taken two trips, one by plane and one on the road! We're getting spoiled seeing the Denver folk so often. We're already trying to plan a fall visit!

More adventures of a 5 month old...

Audrey's 5 month portrait
Who would have thought sucking on your own toes would be so much fun?!

Audrey's a big girl now, sitting up in her new high chair!
Butters claimed the box.

At least half the mornings she is found buried and playing with her stuffed animals.
She's getting better at not being shy with camera!